Paris Jackson Was ‘Infuriated’ By Her Character in American Horror Stories
by Jonathan Khare | Tue, 27 Jul 2021 17:46:00 GMT
Paris Jackson Makes Her Acting Debut in American Horror Stories 

Paris Jackson seems to be emerging from the shadow of her famous father, Michael Jackson, with her acting debut in American Horror Stories; the FX anthology spinoff of the hugely popular American Horror Story.  

While Paris Jackson enjoyed her time on the sets of American Horror Stories, she was taken aback and horrified by the evil of her own character. Having previously dabbled as a singer, musician, and model, Paris has her sights set on acting, and American Horror Stories is quite the impressive debut, creating a lot of buzz.  

However, Paris Jackson’s first acting credit has hardly been a walk in the park. Paris confesses that her character truly ‘infuriated’ the debuting actor. Paris plays Maya, a mean girl faking a secret lesbian relationship with Sierra McCormick's character Scarlett, only to publicly out her and publicly humiliate her via a secretly recorded livestream.  

Paris Jackson was admittedly ‘infuriated’ with her character Maya; a depraved mean girl, owing mostly to her own sexuality and early experiences. Paris Jackson identifies as Bisexual, and in her own words has “dated more women than men, been with more chicks”.  

 "Just the idea of something like that happening makes my blood boil," says Paris.  "I remember… being conflicted about my sexuality and confused at 15, 16 years. I remember having questions and not really knowing how to present myself or how to go about that." 

Finally, Paris was able to cope with her misgivings with her role as Maya by understanding that Maya is simply dealing with her own sexuality, albeit on a destructive path. In Paris’ own words, "Maya does have feelings for Scarlett, and she's trying to hide it and bury it, but clearly, her friends don't think that's OK. So she's doing what she can to make her friends comfortable and not let them know who she really is." 

Paris Plays Maya, a Character She was "Infuriated' By 

Premiered on 15th July, American Horror Stories presents a new horror story with each episode. The two-part series opener titled “Rubber(wo)Man” features Paris Hilton, alongside Sierra McCormick, Matt Bomer, and Gavin Creel.  

The plot for “Rubber(wo)Man” revolves around two house flippers, Matt Bomer, and Gavin Creel, who relocate into the Murder House from Season 1 of the original American Horror Story, along with their twisted serial killing daughter, Scarlett (Sierra McCormick). American Horror Stories is also Paris Jackson’s debut acting vehicle, which in itself creates significant buzz around the series.