Why did Ashley Judd met her rapist? Find details here.
by Ana Walia | Tue, 26 Jul 2022 21:04:38 GMT
Ashley Judd met her rapist to have a restorative justice conversation.Image Source: Cinema Blend

Ashley Judd met her rapist to have a restorative justice conversation.

Actress Ashley Judd appeared on the Healing with David Kessler podcast on Tuesday where she revealed that she was raped in 1999 and years later she met her rapist.

Ashley Judd revealed that after being raped years earlier, she tracked down her attacker, who was readily located, and eventually met him. She informed him that they had a restorative justice chat about it and added that she was curious to hear the tale he had carried for so long.

Ashley said it's crucial to remind listeners that she did not need anything from him and that it was simply gravy that he made his reparations and showed his profound guilt for what had happened. She says she wanted to tell that tale because there are numerous ways to recover from bereavement. Recovery from grief requires inside work.

Ashley Judd agreed with David Kessler during the interview when he said that people might not realize that grief also applies to the effects of being raped and assaulted as you lose innocence and added that one loses safety and that she lost the sense of trust, but that she had now regained herself as a result of the healing process. She referred to the 1999 episode as "crazy-making" since, in her view, she ought to have known better, her boundaries were unbroken, and she was already a strong, independent feminist woman by that point. She went on to say that it was both impermissible and unexpected for such things to occur under these circumstances, but still, because of how full her soul is at this point, she has engaged in a restorative justice process with this individual.

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Ashley Judd said that she could have a process independent of the past power imbalance without the help of her rapist, for him to make atonement, or for him to act differently. The actress continued by saying that since she had the chance to go through her trauma, her sorrow, and her recovery, experience all these shifts in awareness, and form bonds with other survivors in these female coalition spaces.

Ashley Judd, a three-time victim of rape, stated in 2019 that she supports abortion regulations since they prevented her from having children with her rapist. She has revealed that she has been raped three times, and she is quite honest about it. She said that she is thankful that she was able to get a safe and legal abortion because if she hadn't been able to, she would have had to co-parent with her rapist, who is a Kentuckian like her and lives in Tennessee.

The actress stated that she valued having access to abortion care and that democracy begins with our skin. We're not intended to be able to control what we do inside. Whether the rape resulted in a conviction, which would have prevented the assailant from acquiring custody or visiting rights in both Kentucky and Tennessee, was unknown at the time, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.

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In October 2017, Ashley Judd was one among the first persons to publicly criticize Harvey Weinstein, claiming that he had tried to force her to watch him take a shower. She then filed a lawsuit against him for slander and sexual harassment. Harvey Weinstein disputes that he sexually harassed Ashley Judd. David Kessler questioned her about the counsel her late mother, singer Naomi Judd, had given her before she decided to speak out about Harvey Weinstein to which Ashley said that she told her to get him.

Ashley Judd spoke about her later mother, who passed away as a result of suicide herself in May, and said that when she recalls her early years, she realizes that her mother had a mental disorder that went undetected and untreated. Ashely added that she recognized that she was suffering and exerting herself to the fullest.

Please call the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 1-800-656-HOPE (4673) if you or someone you know has been sexually assaulted, or visit rainn.org.