Why didn't the Academy immediately remove Will Smith from the Oscars?
by Jaskiran Kaur | Mon, 04 Apr 2022 04:26:24 GMT
The co-producer of the Oscars shared Chris Rock wanted Will Smith to receive his award even after the slap; Credits: Eonline

The Oscars event last Sunday was one of the most memorable moments in TV history. Marking an exceptional twist in an otherwise civilized and elite event, the awards ceremony ended up surprising fans all around the globe and made the viewers demand that Will Smith be stripped of his title. 

As soon as the global audience saw the broadcast, they filled social media with posts and tweets to immediately remove Smith from the ceremony, or at least not present him with the Best Actor Oscar award. Yet, the ceremony continued as nothing had happened and the actor walked the stage once again, this time holding his prestigious accolade. 

The Academy was soon facing a magnitude of public outrage, demanding to know why the actor was not stripped of the honor and still allowed to receive his award. The answer was later explained by Will Parker, the co-producer of the now infamous 94th Academy Awards event. 

On a Friday morning show of Good Morning America, the co-producer talked about Chris Rock and decided to go off-script and freestyle with his comic prowess. However, things took a dark turn when he made of Jada Pinkett Smith's hair loss condition, to which her husband, Will Smith reacted a bit too violently. 

The producer shared that initially when Smith slapped Rock, he thought that it was a bit of an extreme prank between the two. While he thought the prank was a bit overboard, he was not much-concerned thinking that everything was all right.  

Packer shared that Rock already had a list of killer jokes, but as he decided to freestyle and the slap happened, he could not get to his original script of planned jokes. Just as the comedian got off the stage, Packer approached him and asked him if the slap was real and not a joke. 

Though in shock, Chris made light of the event, joking about it but agreeing that it had actually happened. He joked that he took a blow from Mohammad Ali, most probably joking about that one time Smith was nominated for the Best Actor Oscar in 2001 for his film "Ali."

Packer explained that he himself was in shock and still could not admit that such an event had actually happened. On the other side, Will Smith had already started delivering his monologue rant from the audiences' seats. But Rock was still adamant that he was fine with all of it. 

The co-producer of the awards show did not get the opportunity to talk with Smith after the slap but said that he heard Academy deciding to "physically remove" Smith from the event. Yet, a report by TMZ and the media outlet's multiple resources have stated that Academy did not actually ask Will Smith to leave. 

Therefore, Parker revealed that he told Academy leaders that Chris Rock did not want Will Smith getting out of the Oscars race, and wanted things to run just as they otherwise would. Rock was not angry or vengeful but on the contrary, was calm and collected. He did not Will Smith to be asked to leave and the Academy honored his wish. 

In his attempt to make Academy look better than it was proved at the Sunday night event, Parker also defended the standing ovation that Smith received after winning his Best Actor award from King Richard. The entire timeline after the slap and Smith receiving the award did not even exceed 30 minutes. 

Packer reasoned that when the audience in the room stood up to applaud Smith, they applauded the actor they knew. Though it did not make things right and he should still be held accountable for his actions, the friends and the actors in the room stood beside him as his peers and loved ones. 

He tried balancing the audience's reaction to the 30 years of an exceptional career that Will Smith had led in the industry. In fact, many people in the audience still believed that the slap and Smith's rant was a far-fetched joke, a joke that Cris Rock was enjoying just like them. 

Yet, fans still believe that Will Smith should have apologized right when the event had occurred, or at least mention his erratic behavior in his award acceptance speech. Yet he chose to defend his actions by claiming that love makes people do crazy things and did not even mention the terrible crime he had committed against Rock. 

Will Smith accepted his Oscars without any mention of his violent behavior just a few minutes earlier; Credits: ABC

Will Smith has resigned from the Academy, but he is still a long way from healing all the people he hurt in the interim of his raged mistake.