Pamela Anderson and Brandon Thomas Lee talk about "Pamela, a love story"
by Ana Walia | Wed, 01 Feb 2023 11:00:09 GMT
Pamela Anderson talks about her sons' and her documentary. Image Source: LA Times 

Pamela Anderson and Brandon Thomas Lee talk about "Pamela, a love story."

Baywatch actress Pamela Anderson’s memoir "Love, Pamela" and documentary "Pamela, a Love Story" have been released, and the actress is looking back on some of her life’s most defining moments.

Pamela Anderson recently spoke to Kevin Frazier from Entertainment Tonight about her documentary along with her and ex-husband Tommy Lee’s elder son Brandon Thomas Lee, who served as the documentary's producer, and shared that it’s very touching and emotional, adding that Brandon is such a great kid and so creative, and he just really put this whole thing together.

The actress told Kevin that it was honestly Brandon Thomas Lee who made all of this happen, adding that this feels so meant to be and the divine timing feels surreal to her. Pamela said that she is proud of her son, whereas Brandon Thomas Lee told Kevin Frazier that it’s a great honor for him to be a part of his mother’s story.

Brandon continued that for him, it was simply an honor that he was able to share her story in any way possible, adding that he never thought he’d be in this position, nor did he ever want to be, so he thinks of it as more of a duty and something that he had to do, and he is happy that they did it.

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The elder son of Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee said that it’s a great chapter, and he thinks that it’s going to put very painful and formative years behind them as a family and her, and it’s only going to be up for her. Pamela added that the documentary is her true story and appreciated her son for his efforts. She said that as much as she feels proud of him, it makes her sad as a mom because no mother wants to burden their kids, but Brandon is a creative force, so he took it on as a kind of project and did such a great job that he convinced her to go all in.

Pamela went on to say that she gave the team all of the archives and told them they could use them however they wanted, and that they were all just waiting to see how everything played out. Viewers can also see Pamela's younger son Dylan explains the infamous tape between their parents, asserting that they were displeased with the Hulu series, which itself is based on a 2014 article in Rolling Stone about the person who took their parents' precious possession, including the home movies that would be modified together and sold online, claiming that why to bring anything up from twenty years ago that they were all aware screwed person up, noting that the worse part of her life. Dylan also stated in the docudrama that if Pamela Anderson would have signed a piece of paperwork and sold the tape for profit, the story might have been different, adding that it simply goes to show that the tape is certain to earn people millions of dollars but for her, she cares deeply about her family's well enough stating that money was never an issue for me.

Brandon further said in his conversation that in a lot of ways, they just wish that instead of that moment being a very traumatic one that took so much from them, she would've benefited in some way, and he thinks the money has nothing to do with it. Brandon continued that he just thinks that if someone's going to be putting videos of someone or someone’s family or anything all over the internet that you own, they should benefit from that. And Brandon believes that doing so without that is incorrect. And he believes that benefiting from it was never the intention, but given that countless people are benefiting, potentially hundreds of millions of dollars, he believes that it would have been only fair.

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Brandon and Dylan appreciated their mother, Pamela Anderson, for her continuous support of others even if it threatened her financial stability. They added that she always supported everyone, including grandparents, friends, and family. 

Dylan stated that she was never concerned about her well-being; she has always been genuinely worried about the well-being of others. Brandon also applauds Pamela Anderson for using her platform to benefit others, saying that she desires to use her voice for individuals and animals who do not have one.

Dylan added that she isn't frightened of anyone or anything; it's crazy and pretty badass, while Brandon added that she's at last focused on accomplishing what she desires to do and isn't particularly worried about pleasing everyone else.

'Pamela, a love story' is streaming on Netflix.